Let Down Your Nets

Have you ever wondered what does the term let down you nets mean? The term let down your nets is a biblical term that Jesus used in the Gospel of Luke 5:4, instructing His disciple Peter to make one more attempt to catch fish after Peter had spent the previous night trying with no success.

 Today we’ll be taking a deeper look at what Jesus meant when He said “launch out into the deep and let down your nets for a catch of fish”. This story takes place in Luke chapter 5:1-11 at the Lake Of Gennesaret, which is better known as the Sea Of Galilee.

Let-Down-Your-NetA little history first, The Sea Of Galilee is the lowest freshwater lake on earth second only to The Dead Sea. It is also the largest body of freshwater in Israel and supplies fresh water not only to Israel but also to the neighboring country of Jordan. Now The Sea Of Galilee is not a very large body of water being only 35 miles around in circumference and the fishing boats of that day were also pretty simple in their construction.  The ships and boats of that day were nothing like what we have in today’s time of course.

What Is The Meaning Of Luke 5?

One of the meanings Of Luke the 5th chapter is highlighted in the eternal truth that when it comes to God and His Power normal rules just don’t apply. This story starts with Jesus borrowing Peter’s fishing boat because as He stood by The Lake Of Gennesaret preaching the Word Of God the people began to press against Him to hear what He was saying. They were basically pushing Jesus into the lake. At this point Jesus decides to board the boat to use it as a platform or pulpit to continue speaking and preaching to the crowd. 


Just prior to this, starting In verse 40 of the 4th chapter Jesus had laid His hands on all those who were sick with diverse diseases and healed them all. Devils also came out of many, crying out  and saying, You are Christ the Son Of God and He rebuking them suffered them not to speak: for they knew that He was Christ. I mention this because I believe it explains the excitement and fervency of the crowd in chapter 5.

After having seen Jesus perform all of these unbelievable miracles one could understand the pressing of the crowd upon Jesus. Now moving on in verse 4 of the 5th chapter Jesus ends His talk and turns His attention to Peter who had been washing his net. Apparently Peter had been fishing all night and didn’t catch any fish. I love this story because it really illustrates God’s care for us even when we think He doesn’t notice what we are going through. 

Launch Out Into The Deep Meaning

No doubt Peter was having a rough morning and probably wasn’t in the best of moods. You could understand Peter being a little frustrated when Jesus told him to launch out into the deep kjv, and let down your nets for a catch? Jesus was telling Peter to go back out and try again. I could see Peter thinking, I’m a fisherman and this guy Jesus has never been a fisherman? Why should I listen to Him?

Remember, he had already been out to sea all night and had just finished washing his nets. Despite all of this Peter decided to let down the nets one more time and the Bible says when they had done this they inclosed a great multitude of fish, so much that their nets broke. Peter even needed to call James and John to help pull the fish in, the catch being so great that the boat began to sink. 


The Bible says when Peter saw this happen that he fell down at Jesus’ knees, saying, depart from me; for I am a sinful man, O Lord. I don’t think Peter thought anything would happen, he was just going through the motions. Verse 11 says, when they had brought their ships to land, they forsook all and followed Him. This indeed is an extraordinary story with many applications for our lives today. Think about it, Is God telling you to let your nets one more time? Have you been on the fence about something that you know God has told you to do? You are not reading this by accident, but rather by God’s design.

All Things Are By God’s Allowance & Are Subject To His Word

The story teaches us that all things are by God’s allowance. There’s a song that says everything bows at the name of Jesus.  Everything, living or not must obey the word of God. We saw, on this very same lake in the book of Matthew 8:23-27 a demonstration of this power. This is when Jesus rebuked the winds and the sea and the disciples marveled saying, what manner of man is this that even the winds and the sea obey Him? Friends we have to understand that we serve a God with no limits. Our God reigns! Our God Is Almighty! Everything bows when He speaks, there’s none like Him!

Amen, Well friends I pray these words were edifying to you and I want to invite you to join our email list here to be the first to know about new and helpful content that God blesses us to produce. I want to thank you so much for studying with us and being here, we love you and we are praying with you that the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ is extended to you. Until next time we pray that your faith fails not.

If you would like a deeper study into God’s Kingdom and the Word Of God I have listed two study resources here that I believe will greatly enhance your study experience and knowledge as you seek out the truth of God’s word. You can head on over to Christian Book Distributor below for their most current pricing, glory to God

New Testament Set, 5 Volumes: The Expositor’s Bible Commentary, Revised

Old Testament Set, 8 Volumes: The Expositor’s Bible Commentary, Revised

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