What Does It Mean To Be A Joint Heir With Christ

Growing up as an avid Bible reader I often wondered, what does it mean to be a “Joint Heir With Christ”? To be a joint heir with Jesus Christ means that ALL of the inheritances that Jesus, the Christ is entitled to, the joint heir is also entitled to and able to enjoy. An heir is defined as, “one who inherits, or has right of inheritance in, the property of another,”

I’m truly humbled at the privilege of being an heir of God and joint-heirs with Christ Jesus, through the grace of God. In Romans 8:17 the Apostle Paul very clearly outlines what it means to be joint-heirs with Christ KJV, informing us all that faith in the finished work of Christ Jesus on the cross grants us access to the family of God. 

This was God’s original plan for mankind but this right was lost through the disobedience of Adam and Eve. The problem with disobeying God is we never know how far-reaching the damage may be, in this case, the world is still feeling the effects of it. When we think of the two nations that were created by Abraham’s disobedience and the wars and fighting that continue to this day, we can really see the importance of obedience.

The Benefits Of Being A Joint Heir With Christ

Thankfully, Jesus, The Christ has made it possible for anyone who believes to become reunited with God. So you might ask what are the benefits of being an heir of God and joint-heir with Christ? Well, that’s a very long list of things that include all of the promises of God in the word of God. One of the promises is the ability to commune with God. We all know God is a Holy God and prior to Jesus coming and dying for our sins the only people that God would talk to or that could talk to Him were The Children Of Israel. 

Now we can all pray and commune with God. We need to be able to pray and talk with God. We need His wisdom and insight. Actually, man was never designed to live apart from the leading of the Spirit Of God. The reason we weren’t designed to live apart from God Is that without the leading of the Spirit Of God we are unaware of spiritual attacks. I personally believe that spiritual awareness quite often is more important than physical awareness. To be able to communicate with and hear from God is priceless to day to day living for anyone who seeks spiritual victory.

How Being A Joint Heir With Christ Has Made Us Free

Another benefit of being a join-heir with Christ is freedom from the captivity and bondage of sin.  Sin holds millions of people in captivity and bondage every single day. Many people are trapped in their sins and feel that they have no way out. Some people know they’re trapped in bondage and others have no idea that sin is the problem. The good news is that anyone who finds themselves feeling this way can now realize freedom through faith in the finished work of Jesus, The Christ, and Him crucified. In John 8:36, the scriptures say whom the Son sets free is free indeed. No longer must we be slaves to cigarettes, drugs, alcohol, anger, or any other bondage. Jesus has set us free, glory to God!

One of the things that I enjoy most about being saved, restored, born again, set free or whatever term one chooses to use is that you have the promises of God to trust in and depend on. You no longer need to bowl to fear. There is nothing we can face that is not subject to the power and word of God and if you are an heir, then those things become subject to you as well when you believe it.

Amen, Well friends I pray these words were edifying to you and I want to invite you to join our email list here to be the first to know about new and helpful content that God blesses us to produce. I want to thank you so much for studying with us and being here, we love you and we are praying with you that the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ is extended to you. Until next time we pray that your faith fails not.

If you would like a deeper study into God’s Kingdom and the Word Of God I have listed two study resources here that I believe will greatly enhance your study experience and knowledge as you seek out the truth of God’s word. You can head on over to Christian Book Distributor below for their most current pricing, glory to God!

New Testament Set, 5 Volumes: The Expositor’s Bible Commentary, RevisedOld Testament Set, 8 Volumes: The Expositor’s Bible Commentary, Revised

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