When Will The Kingdom Of God Come, How Can I Be Ready

Many people have the misconception that the Kingdom Of God will be coming at some later date in the future. They view the coming of God’s Kingdom in a traditional physical sense as though we could see and touch it in the here and now. For this reason many ask the question, when will the Kingdom Of God Come?

The Kingdom Of God has already come since the first advent, death, burial, and resurrection of The Lord Jesus, The Christ. Jesus’s resurrection ushered in the birth of the Kingdom Of God on the earth, which represented man’s first opportunity to be reconciled to God and to have access to God’s eternal Kingdom.

There’s no need to get ready for the coming of the Kingdom since it has already come, but rather to be ready for the closing of the Kingdom doors. Everyone has an opportunity to accept Jesus, The Christ as their Lord and Savior up until His second advent. How can we know we are ready and that we have made it into the Kingdom? Let’s talk about it…

The Kingdom Of God Has Come

A lot can be said about the Kingdom Of God and a lot has been said on this site but it’s such a broad topic that plenty more can be said. As I’ve said, the Kingdom Of God has already come but when people ask the question, when will the Kingdom Of God Come, I think they mean to ask, when will the Kingdom age come where Christ will rule here on the earth. That is actually a different question altogether. When Jesus says in His parable that the Kingdom Of God is like a mustard seed or like yeast that a woman hid in three measures of meal that signifies the slow steady progression of God’s Kingdom. This is where we are now.

When Jesus likens the Kingdom Of God to a net that was cast into the sea and gathered of every kind: Which, when it was full, they drew to shore, and sat down, and gathered the good into vessels, but cast the bad away. My friends this is where we are now, we are being gathered, but the separating of the good and the bad hasn’t begun yet. As we speak the net has been cast and many people will be caught in the net but just like in the parable not everyone who is caught in the net will make it into the kingdom.

So again I want to be clear, as I said I think most people want to know when will the end of the age or world be. Unfortunately, no man knows the exact day or hour. I believe this is why Jesus puts so much emphasis on being ready. Jesus says that day will come like a thief in the night, the good news is he does give us some benchmarks to look for. In Matthew 24th Chapter beginning in the first verse, Jesus’s disciples notice the beauty of the temple and brought it to His attention.

Jesus replies in verse 2 saying, “See ye not all these things? verily I say unto you, There shall not be left here one stone upon another, that shall not be thrown down”. This statement no doubt intrigued the disciple and they wanted to know when such a thing would happen? Jesus goes into a long dissertation about the end times. I won’t go into everything he said because again no one can nail down an exact time but He speaks of wars and rumors of war. He speaks of nations rising against nations, but interesting enough, He says in the 8th verse that this would be the beginning of sorrows.

How Can I Be Ready For God’s Coming Kingdom Age?

One of the problems many face when trying to serve God is the incredible amount of distraction we as humans face on a daily basis. This is due in great part to the evolution of technology. Devices such as TV’s, computers, phones, and the like have made it too easy for mankind to be distracted from God. Many mistakingly believe that they can serve and submit to God at their preferred times. Service and submission to God is a 24/7 endeavor and commitment. It’s either all or nothing with God.

For those who want to be ready for the coming Kingdom age, it calls for a seriousness of mind that is not often seen in today’s society. It calls for an attitude of humility and service. It calls for a selflessness that is rarely ever seen if at all today. God is looking for people who will treat other people the way He treats us. God is looking for people who will serve others, not judge them. He’s looking for people who will show mercy to those who don’t deserve it. This is how to be ready for the coming Kingdom Of God.

There’s also the faith factor. In Hebrews 11:6 the scripture says, “But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him”. God is looking for believers and nothing says you believe better than what you do. A person’s behavior is the greatest indicator of what they believe. Many people say they believe in and fear God but their behavior says something totally different.

Lastly, God is looking for people who are on task, the task of spreading the gospel of Jesus Christ. In Matthew 9:36-38 the scripture tells us, “But when he saw the multitudes, he was moved with compassion on them, because they fainted, and were scattered abroad, as sheep having no shepherd. Then saith he unto his disciples, The harvest truly is plenteous, but the laborers are few; Pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest, that he will send forth labourers into his harvest”. In other words, there’s a lot of work to be done for the Kingdom but not enough people doing it.

Having faith, being on task, humility, and service to others will go a long way in helping you on your journey to enter into God’s Kingdom.

Amen, Well friends I pray these words were edifying to you and I want to invite you to download our free guide, “5 Ways To Fight Worry, Anxiousness, And Anxiety
With God’s Word”
, I’m sure it will bless your soul. I want to thank you so much for studying with us and being here, we love you and we are praying with you that the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ is extended to you. Until next time we pray that your faith fails not.

410301: The Complete MacArthur New Testament Commentary,  33 Volumes The Complete MacArthur New Testament Commentary, 33 Volumes
By John MacArthur / Moody Publishers

Intellectually stimulating and personally relevant, this commentary series is ideal for pastors, teachers, and laypeople alike. With practical illustrations and clear verse-by-verse exposition, John MacArthur avoids becoming overly technical, even while tackling problematic topics such as the role of women, spiritual gifts, and the rapture. Using a dispensationalist approach, his purpose is to provide life applications.

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