Where Is The Kingdom Of God, What Does The Bible Say?

With the proliferation of evil in the world, many are looking to God for answers. It is very difficult for anyone with eyes to not see the effects that evil and the kingdom of darkness have had on the world today. Many have found themselves with no other choice but to wonder, where is the kingdom of God in all of this mayhem?

According to Jesus the kingdom of God is a spiritual place located within us and can be accessed at any given time through prayer and deep meditation on God’s word. We are spirit beings and the kingdom of God operates in the spirit realm which runs parallel to the earthly carnal world in which our physical bodies dwell.

That being said they’re many aspects that we need to explore to truly understand where the kingdom of God is and how to enter it. Keep reading as we take a closer look at this amazing place.

Seek First The Kingdom Of God

In Matthew 6:33 Jesus has been preaching the famous sermon on the mount and at this point, He had been talking about worry and anxiety. He stated that worrying would not help anything but we should rather seek God’s Kingdom first and let God take care of all of our worries and needs. No doubt some might wonder, how can I seek God’s kingdom and where is the Kingdom Of God. As I continued to pray and think on this question the Lord began to give me this illustration that I think will make the answer to this question a lot clearer.

I began to think about the United States and all of the embassies that it has all over the world. You see the United States has over three hundred embassies all over the world. The United States has embassies in approximately one hundred and ninety countries around the world. Now the embassies aren’t considered US soil or territories but they are certainly a taste of the United States in a foreign land. The Kingdom Of God on the earth operates in a similar manner.

This is why we have verses in the Bible like second Corinthians 5:20 which says, ” Therefore, we are ambassadors for Christ, God making his appeal through us. We implore you on behalf of Christ, be reconciled to God”. Everyone who converts to Christ and the Kingdom Of God becomes an ambassador on the earth. Every church that preaches the good news of Jesus Christ and Him crucified is in essence an embassy for the Kingdom Of God.

Remember, the Kingdom Of God is a spiritual Kingdom located in a spiritual realm. Jesus said in Luke 17:20, “The kingdom of God cometh not with observation: Neither shall they say, Lo here! or, lo there! for, behold, the kingdom of God is within you”. The Kingdom Of God comes into the earth through the spreading of the gospel. Where ever people embrace and adhere to the law of God is where the Kingdom is.

What Is The Kingdom Of God Within You?

So we talked briefly about this verse above but I want to take a deeper dive into what it means to have the Kingdom Of God within you. If you remember the parable of the sower in Matthew 13:3 Jesus speaks of the seed that is sown as the Word Of The Kingdom and the ground that it is sown in is the heart of man. This is the process by which man is rejuvenated and restored to God. It is this process that allows one to be born again and have the Kingdom Of God within them.

Not everyone has the Kingdom Of God within them but rather those in whom the seed, the word of God has taken strong root within their hearts. Many people hear the message and the word of God but not everyone allows that seed to take root and be cultivated in their hearts. This is the meaning of the parable. Some seeds fell by the wayside, some fell in stony places and some fell among thorns. God doesn’t force the Kingdom Of God to be within us, we have to receive the seed and cultivate it.

To reiterate, I want to be clear, the Kingdom Of God is not in a physical location because it is not in the earthly, physical realm. The spirit realm is not limited by space or time. In First Corinthians 15:50 the Bible says, “Now this I say, brethren, that flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God; neither doth corruption inherit incorruption”. They are two different worlds and the spirit world for most is hard to understand because none of us have ever been there. You have to die to experience it and what little understanding that we are able to gather all comes from scripture.

How Can We Know We’re In The Kingdom Of God?

The very first thing anyone who wants to be a part of God’s Kingdom has to do is accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior by faith in His finished work on the cross. That is a necessity first and foremost. Secondly, we must become ambassadors for His Kingdom. Once a person comes into the Kingdom Of God we must continue to share that message to help advance the Kingdom Of God to as many people who will hear it. We are instructed to obey the word of God and spread His message of hope and salvation. As I said at the start of this post, this world is in bad shape and in desperate need of hope.

With rising crime, pandemics, sickness, pain, and disease we are in desperate need of a savior. Those who enter God’s kingdom through faith must fight the powers of darkness in this world through prayer and spiritual warfare. The pandemic of 2020 showed the entire world its desperate need of God. Mankind has gotten to the point that he thinks he doesn’t need God, but my friend I want to tell you, we will always need God. To think otherwise is a wasted thought, amen.

Amen, Well friends I pray these words were edifying to you and I want to invite you to download our free guide, “5 Ways To Fight Worry, Anxiousness, And Anxiety
With God’s Word”
, I’m sure it will bless your soul. I want to thank you so much for studying with us and being here, we love you and we are praying with you that the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ is extended to you. Until next time we pray that your faith fails not.

410301: The Complete MacArthur New Testament Commentary,  33 Volumes The Complete MacArthur New Testament Commentary, 33 Volumes
By John MacArthur / Moody Publishers

Intellectually stimulating and personally relevant, this commentary series is ideal for pastors, teachers, and laypeople alike. With practical illustrations and clear verse-by-verse exposition, John MacArthur avoids becoming overly technical, even while tackling problematic topics such as the role of women, spiritual gifts, and the rapture. Using a dispensationalist approach, his purpose is to provide life applications.

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