Why Is The Kingdom Of God Important To My Life Today?

In today’s society, things are a lot different from the times when Jesus walked the earth. With so much darkness in the world, so much tragedy, heartache, and pain people are lost. Many people not only wonder if the Kingdom Of God exists but why is the Kingdom of God important?

The Kingdom Of God is important because without the Kingdom Of God mankind would have no remedy for sin and God’s judgment, which must be satisfied by the shedding of blood. In addition, the powers of darkness which originate from satan’s rebellion would have free reign on the earth without opposition.

Most people don’t realize the importance of the Kingdom Of God and how it touches every aspect of our daily lives. As we continue I want to touch on some of the various aspects of life that the Kingdom Of God could help us with that we might not have accessed up until this point, let’s get started.

Why The Kingdom Of God Is Important For Restoration

This may be the most obvious reason that the Kingdom Of God is important. As I stated at the beginning of this post mankind would be doomed if there were no Kingdom Of God. At all times there are always two forces at work in the earth. We can really understand this better by looking at John 10:10 where Jesus says, “The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life and that they might have it more abundantly”.

In John, we see that we have the thief, the devil, and we have Jesus, God in the flesh. We have light and we have darkness. Every second of every minute, of every hour, of everyday satan is seeking to steal from you, kill you and destroy you. When we see tragedy strike in the world satan is the cause. Satan is not our friend and if there were no Kingdom Of God all of mankind would be at the mercy of satan. Thankfully Jesus said I’ve come that you might have life and that more abundantly.

How does Jesus give us life more abundantly and restore us? Well, when Adam and Eve sinned in the garden of Eden just as God warned it caused spiritual separation from God. Whenever sin is committed a life must be taken for it. This explains all of the millions of sacrifices that were offered by the children of Israel in the old testament. Romans 6:23 says, “For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord”.

Jesus came and died once and for all for the sins of the entire world, therewith atoning for all the sins of mankind, past present, and future. This is why Jesus the Christ is essential to salvation and entry into the Kingdom Of God. Without faith in Jesus and Him crucified we are lost, He took upon Himself the Judgment of the world so that we wouldn’t have to. So yes, the Kingdom Of God, specifically the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus are extremely important to our ability to reach God.

Why The Kingdom Of God Is Important For Our Power

In the book of Acts, first chapter eighth verse these words are recorded, “But ye shall receive power, after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you: and ye shall be witnesses unto me both in Jerusalem, and in all Judaea, and in Samaria, and unto the uttermost part of the earth”. Now you might ask, what does Jesus mean by, ye shall receive power and what do we need power for? In the latter part of verse eight, Jesus said, ye shall be witnesses. Once we are converted to Christ we are called to help advance the Kingdom’s agenda. We are called to tell others about Jesus.

One thing that anyone who seeks to obey and do God’s will notice right away is spiritual opposition. You will need the power of God to overcome spiritual opposition. The devil is not going to just roll over and leave us alone. He doesn’t want us to help others to come to a full knowledge of God. The devil will fight us every step of the way but when things get difficult this is when the power of God will carry us over the finish line. We can’t defeat or even resist the devil without the help of God’s Kingdom and power.

Without having hope in the Kingdom Of God and the power thereof it will be very difficult to just maintain your own salvation. Remember, the devil is always on the attack, he doesn’t take breaks and actually this is a good place to move to the next and last reason I’ll cover and that is the importance of the Kingdom Of God for our peace.

Why The Kingdom Of God Is Important For Our Peace

One only needs to turn on the evening news and observe what’s going on in the world to recognize the importance of the Kingdom Of God to our peace. The peace that comes from faith in God is indispensable. I couldn’t imagine not being able to pray whenever I felt overwhelmed. When you think about rising crime, different sicknesses, and diseases it’s a tremendous blessing to have access to the Kingdom Of God through prayer and supplication.

The National Alliance On Mental Illness reports that over 40 million adults in the U.S. (19.1%) have an anxiety disorder. Meanwhile, approximately 7% of children aged 3-17 experience issues with anxiety each year. Most people develop symptoms before age 21. For a lot of these people, medication doesn’t help at all. There’s a great need for the peace of God in this world, but it doesn’t fall into our respective laps. We must pursue the Kingdom of God and cultivate a healthy relationship with Him.

We must through faith do as Matthew 6:33 says, “But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you”. If we through our faith embrace God, His Word, and the importance of His Kingdom He will take care of everything else. I hope these words blessed and edified you in your spirit.

Amen, Well friends I pray these words were edifying to you and I want to invite you to download our free guide, “5 Ways To Fight Worry, Anxiousness, And Anxiety
With God’s Word”
, I’m sure it will bless your soul. I want to thank you so much for studying with us and being here, we love you and we are praying with you that the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ is extended to you. Until next time we pray that your faith fails not.

410301: The Complete MacArthur New Testament Commentary,  33 Volumes The Complete MacArthur New Testament Commentary, 33 Volumes
By John MacArthur / Moody Publishers

Intellectually stimulating and personally relevant, this commentary series is ideal for pastors, teachers, and laypeople alike. With practical illustrations and clear verse-by-verse exposition, John MacArthur avoids becoming overly technical, even while tackling problematic topics such as the role of women, spiritual gifts, and the rapture. Using a dispensationalist approach, his purpose is to provide life applications.

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